Lauren Kain Bukkake
Jules Jordan finds the sexiest and most depraved whores on the planet and then does terrible, terrible things to them. That's
why we love him so, and it's why his movies are so hot. After dominating the anal sex market, it's time for Jules Jordan
to take on the jizz-biz. On this site we have a few sample offering's from Jules Jordan's Sperm Swallowers. If you
like what you see here, just wait until you see what's inside our member's section.
Lauren Kain is a super-whore. Little did she know however that when she signed up to film a movie for Jules Jordan, she'd
be taking on five guys at once and swallowing down all their seed. I heard that after filming this she lost her voice for a whole day. I guess
too much cum swallowing will do that too you. If you'd like to see the full-length full-res version of Lauren Kain's bukkake party
than you've just got to get into our member's section and get your pop-off. Oh, and did I mention that there's another session with Lauren Kain, and
it's even more depraved than this set!
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